The Adventures of Musketeers in the Eastern Europe
by Gennady Ulman*
You kill the foes, and have a simple answer,
Be always plucky, and if needed, sly,
And steel is ardent as a real panther,
And d’Artagnan unable is to die
G. Ulman My musketeers
In Russia everybody knows what a musket is. Just an old
gun used several hundred years ago. But the word
“musketeers” has another nuance. The heart trembles, the
hand clenches in the fist, and every boy wants to be as
valiant as d’Artagnan, as faithful as Porthos, as noble
as Athos, and as sophisticated as Aramis.
To count all books, which mention their names is almost
an impossible mission. I guess I will not make a big
mistake if I state that three quarters of the books
published in the former Soviet Union, to some extend,
mention the names of the musketeers. Their trace can be
seen in all aspects of the adventure genre : detectives,
mysteries, science-fiction, fantasy, children’s
literature, psychological novels, etc.
Before starting to characterize the real pastiches or
sequels or tributes, I would like to tell something
about these traces which can be found in the stories and
novels of different genres, and which can understood as
a homage to the great writer.
The Strugatzkys brothers, the classics of the
science-fiction, who are translated into many languages
(French and English among them), not once turned to the
topics of the musketeers. Bravery, readiness to
sacrifice yourself for your friend, the sacred principle
“All for one, and one for all”, the unity against the
common enemy (whoever this enemy is—an alien monster, or
a human being ) is explored by them in their world
–famous novels Hard to Be God, Coming Back.
Afternoon. XXII Century, The Country of the
Purple Clouds.
The quantity of the musketeers varies—they can be two,
three, four, or five. In Hard to Be God is
actually only one who combines almost all features of
the famous four. However, the main character is a real
musketeer. He is the disguised Earthman who lives on
another planet and observes the life of the 17-th
century almost exactly like it was described in the
novels on the Earth. He must not get involved in any
actions, he can only watch and save some prospective
writers, scientists, poets from the hands of the king.
But to live like this is impossible. The spirit of
musketeers, the pity to the weak, makes him get
involved. The Earthman, the graduate of the famous
university, takes the sword into his hands and fights
with the injustice.
The brightest example is, perhaps, Coming Back.
Afternoon. XXII Century. It is a very
multi-planned narrative in which the authors tell about
the space-ship which came back to the Earth after
traveling more than two centuries.
In one of the novelettes comprising the whole novel, the
writers mention three roommates, who lived in the same
boarding-house, were fearless and daring, getting ready
to defeat the space in future. The most serious of them,
a youngster of the hardest and noblest principles, was
nick-named Athos. Only a few remembered his real name—
Mikhail Sidorov. His friends, in all other aspects, bear
the familiar features of the renowned four.
Such examples can be plenty as well as simple
mentioning, hints, allusions, comparisons. Actually,
“their name is legion”. However, there are straight
pastiches and sequels. Here they are.
Nikolai Harin. “Again Three Musketeers”. 1st-book.
Publishing house “Vagrius”, Moscow, 1997. 495 pages
Nikolai Harin “D’Artagnan in Bastille” 2nd book
Publishing house “Vagrius”, Moscow, 1997, 495 pages
Nikolai Harin, as far as it is known, is a math teacher
in Russia. The year of his birth is not stated. Harin
wrote a very serious sequel of The Three Musketeers
mystifying the readers with the very preface, in which
he informs that his great grandfather in Voronezh
(central Russia) kept in the attic a chest with the
manuscript signed “A mon ami Theodor. Nijni 1858. A.D.“
The writer’s father informed Nikolai that the great
grandfather was positive it was the manuscript of Dumas
who at that time was in Russia. Dumas visited Nijni
Novgorod, and got to the famous fair. There he got
acquainted with the ancestor of Nikolai Harin and as a
sign of his admiration presented this ancestor with the
manuscript never published before. As everybody knows,
French language was almost the native language for each
educated Russian at the time, so the ancestor understood
how valuable the manuscript was. Today, Nikolai thinks
it’s only fair that people become aware of the unknown
adventures of the famous four.
The plot of the novel is complicated enough and starts
immediately where The Three
Musketeers ends. D’Artagnan as we remember gets
the rank of the Lieutenant. Porthos is going to quit as
he gets married. Aramis more and more gets involved with
La Rochelle is still in the siege. The residents suffer
from famine. The cardinal decides to push the besieged
to surrender. With this assignment, he sends d’Artagnan
to La Rochelle disguised as a simple nobleman.
D’Artagnan’s task is to inform the Commander of La
Rochelle and its residents that Duke of Beckingham is
assassinated. Therefore, the Duke would never come to
help the besieged.
Nobody in La Rochelle
wants to believe this crushing news. One of the
Englishmen at the service of the Commander recognizes
d’Artagnan there who calls himself as Charles de
Castelmore(!). The Englishman recognizes d’Artagnan as
one of the desperately brave French musketeers who had
defended the bastion Saint Gervais. Thus, his incognito
is revealed. Despite the fact that d’Artagnan told the
truth about the Duke’s assassination, he is going to be
hanged next morning. The next morning after a series of
swashbuckling adventures d’Artagnan is saved by a young
and beautiful girl, Camille de Brissard, a Goddaughter
of the Commander.( It’s interesting to pay attention to
the initials—Constance Bonacieux, Camille de Brissard
D’Artagnan comes back to Paris, but without Planchet and
Grimaud who was borrowed to him by suspicious Athos who
could not believe that the Cardinal would not be
treacherous. The servants did not have the chance to
escape. Camille de Brissard together with her Godfather
escape to Tour. The Cardinal is merciful to his enemies.
In Paris d’Artagnan meets Count de Rochefort, challenges
him, and wounds him at the duel. They hate each other.
Meanwhile, the new war is going to outbreak with the
Spaniards. And here appears Aramis coveted with mystery.
He goes to Tours to meet his old lover, Madame de
Chevreuse, and to bring her some mysterious document
from the Jesuits. The Cardinal intends to block the
daring musketeer.
He arrests d’Artagnan in the second part of this cycle
entitled D’Artagnan in Bastille. Almost the
whole volume is dedicated to the attempts of the
musketeers (all of them, as Aramis manages to help
Porthos escape from the vigilant eye of his wife), to
let d’Artagnan free from the Bastille. Aramis, using his
smartness and his connections with the world of Jesuits,
copes with situations. Finally, d’Artagnan is free. He
is still surrounded by his enemies, de Vardes and de
Rochefort among them; he is still looking for the girl,
with whom he fell in love in the first part of the
cycle; however, he is free.
The cardinal is amazed with skills of the famous four,
but they part—Athos comes home, Aramis comes back to his
mysterious business, Porthos returns to his wife. But
the adventures of four friends are not finished as yet.
The author promises a sequel, which is so far not
It is interesting to mention a tetralogy of a Ukrainian
writer Bogdan Sushinsky which is neither a pastiche or a
sequel, but a tribute to Dumas and his musketeers.
The knights of the Cardinal
EAI-Press, Donetsk
1994, Ukraine
The names of the novels are :
- On the Edge of the Sword 430 pages
- The French Campaign 479 pages
- The Flamandian Bonfires 414 pages
- The Way of the Warrior 447 pages
The settings of this exciting narrative are Ukraine,
Poland, France, Germany, Turkey, and Greece. The
historical events connected with the participation of
the Cossacks under the leadership of well-known Ivan
Sirko in the Tercentenary War (1618-1648) on the side of
France are the basis of the plot.
Among the principal characters are Ivan Sirko, Ukrainian
getman (leader) Bogdan Khmelnitzky, Anne of Austria,
Mazarini, mysterious countess de La Fere, and, of
course, D’Artagnan, brave and completely irresistible,
who in real life, together with the Ukrainian Cossacks,
attacked Dunkirk. The intrigue is very complicated: love
and mystics, love triangle among the Russian
Prince—countess de La Fere, and the charming
prophesizing girl Vlasta.
D’Artagnan, the guard of the Cardinal
Alexander Bushkov
An interesting contribution to the “musketeers’ saga”
was made by modern Siberian writer Alexander
Bushkov. The novel is entitled D’Artagnan, the guard
of the Cardinal. These are two volumes, having the
subtitle “echo-novel”.
Krasnoiarsk “BONUS”
Moscow “OLMA-Press”
Saint-Petersburg “NEVA”, 2002
Volume I The Provincial the Whole Paris Talked About
446 pages
Volume II The Shadow over the Crown of France
446 pages
This quite original narration presents d’Artagnan and
his traditional friends, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, not
as d’Artagnan’s friends, but rather as enemies who like
to show off, make fun of those who are weaker, and, in
general, are not pleasant people. The only person to
whom the author still keeps some respect is Athos.
D’Artagnan does not look as the character we are all
used to. He takes much interest in reading (Shakespeare,
for example), makes friends with the book-sellers;
recites poems and verses, tries to write himself,
attends the theatrical dramas, his best and very
faithful friends are count de Rochefort, Causac, and
count de Varde. D’Artagnan serves the Cardinal and is
his most faithful friend against the Queen of France. He
is the patriot and understands that Cardinal works to
favor everybody in the country. Of course, d’Artagnan is
the most skillful sword-fencer. Only Athos is his equal.
Under this angle, the whole old story is retold.
Constance Bonacieux
plays the same role as traditional Milady de Winter, she
was the wife of the count de Rochefort, so d’Artagnan
falls in love with another girl under the name of Anne.
Anne dies under the same circumstances as Dumas’
Constance. The three friends execute Constance as Milady
was executed in the original.
The author evolves Oliver Cromwell as one of the
characters, and stuffs his novel with hundreds of
truthful and highly informative details which show that
A. Bushkov is well-read in the daily life of France of
that period.
It’s also interesting that at the end of the second
volume, d’Artagnan thinks that, perhaps, in his life
everything could be different—Athos, Porthos, and Aramis
could be his friends, and Rochefort and the others might
be his foes, that he could serve the Queen against the
Cardinal, but God said His word.
It’s hard to attribute this work to sequels, pastiches,
or tributes. I would call it rather an anti-tribute to
one of the Russian most precious writers—Alexandre
Forward, Guard mariners
Nina Sorotokina
A woman-writer Nina Sorotokina produced a tetralogy (4
books) which is a talented pastiche to the famous
four under the common title: Forward, Guard
1. Three from the Navigation School
2. Rendezvous in Petersburg
3. Chancellor
4. The Law of Coupling
The action is in Saint-Petersburg in the XVII century
under the rule of Yelisaveta Petrovna, the daughter of
Peter the Great. Young Catherine already appears on the
historic stage.
In the center of the narration, there are three young
and brave noblemen, Nikita Olenev, Alexei Korsak, and
Alexander Belov. All of them keep the features of the
musketeers, it’s almost impossible to say who is a
projection of whom. They fence, travel, perform the
feats of bravery, save their Motherland and the tsarina,
save their fiancées from the Enemies (one of them is a
Frenchman). What I think is important, is that they have
the motto, just like the famous Four. “Life to the
Motherland, honor to no one”. A little bit more
patriotic than that of musketeers’ although as we
remember all musketeers were ready to give their life
for France at any moment.
The Young Red Devils
Petr Bliahin
A small novel telling about the adventures of young
people fighting in 1919 for the Soviet Power. Michael,
Duniasha (a girl), and Yu-Yu, a young Chinese. They
fight against the gangs of famous Nestor Mahno (he died
in Paris).
The book bears the features of musketeers, Boussenard’s
“ Captain Break-Neck”. Michael calls himself “The
Pathfinder”, his sister is the Gadfly.
This book was modernized and elaborated 30 years ago by
Grigorii Kronih. The novel was entitled The
Adventures of the Uncatchable Avengers, and
successfully filmed. Three boys and one girl. One boy is
a Gypsy with all the attributes: he plays the guitar, is
able to steal anything or anybody, brave and very
skillful with any kind of a weapon,
especially with the knife.
The same year—1919. The same enemy—different gangs
robbing the villages. The roles here are more defined.
Daniel is definitely Athos, wise and commanding. The
rest are exchanging the roles of Porthos, Aramis, and
d’Artagnan, easily performing feats, being utterly
fearless, also saving their Motherland.
I would call these books “the red tribute to Dumas”.
Yes, the same milady
Ulia Galanina
287 pages
Forum, 2005
A narrative from the mouth of Milady de Winter and all
known events of The Three Musketeers from her
own point of view and opinion. Actually, it is a diary
in which Milady does not present herself though as a
noble or completely innocent lady. But, of course, she
presents herself much better than Dumas. From the very
start she does not want to be an angel or a devil She
wants to be a loving wife. She is madly in love with
Comte de La Fère. However, she could not forgive his
trial and execution. It is because of her first husband
she became what she became afterwards. And only
afterwards she pursues wealth, survival, and revenge
over her enemies All musketeers participate in this
narrative as well as De Wardes, Rochefort, Richelieu,
the King and all other familiar figures.
Her tone is sarcastic from the beginning to the end. Of
course, she did not perish from the hand of the hangman
of Lille. On the contrary, it was the hangman who had
saved her in the famous scene of the execution. The
hangman was in love with her, and being on another
riverbank, he changed Milady for a corpse of a woman
that had been prepared before. That way the musketeers
were positive that the devil had died. Milday escaped
and lived till the very old age. The narrative stops at
her having a grand daughter.
The quotations from The Three Musketeers take
a large part of this novel. It is written quite
skillfully and is read easier than a lot of other
The return of the musketeers, or the treasures
of Cardinal Mazarini
Anton Markov
447 pages
A novelized version of the movie staged on the screen
script of movie director Yungvald – Hilkevich.
An adventure with the elements of mysticism.
The modest golden ring that Anne d’Autriche had in her
possession turned out to be magic. It was the ring of
immortality. It also was one of the circumstances that
killed all the musketeers and Mazarini was killed as
well. Four friends found themselves in the place of no
However, again the honor of Anne d’Autriche is
threatened and the children of the musketeers like their
fathers take a long and dangerous trip to save the
queen’s honor again. They have to hunt the treasures of
Cardinal Mazarini and as their lives are in immediate
danger, their fathers are given a chance to help.
Juliette and Leon - the children of Porthos;
D’Artagnan’s daughter, Jacqueline; Raoul, the son of
Athos, and Aramis’ son- Henri participate in this
adventure. The problem is that Anne d'Autriche needs to
get the ring of immortality, and this ring is in
England, So everything starts all over again as it
happened with their fathers. Four musketeers come back
from the kingdom of the dead. The reciprocal love among
the children of the musketeers, adventures, and,
finally, the Queen’s honor is saved again. The
musketeers come back to heaven or purgatory.
East Europe
I will name the principal things which are definite
tributes to Dumas.
Henryk Sienkiewicz, a Nobel Prize winner, started in
1883, and finished in 1887, a trilogy about Polish
noblemen, who remarkably resemble musketeers, which was
not once mentioned by different critics.
1. With Fire and Sword (Ogniem i Meczem)
2. Deluge (Potop)
3. Mr. Wolodyjowski (Pan Wolodyjowski)
Wolodyjowski, an unbeatable fencer, always falling in
love, daring and brave is definite d’Artagnan; mighty
Podbypiatka, tender, a little bit clumsy, incredibly
kind, touching and a little bit clumsy, incredibly kind,
touching is always considered by critics as Porthos.
Skszetuski, the most ideal among the friends, a brave
hero, is definite Athos. All of them are defending
Poland against Sweden, Russia, and Turkey. It is the
same XVII century, glorious and unforgettable.
Historical figures are Jan Sobesski, the future king of
Poland, two brothers-Princes Radziwill, one of them
plays the role of Cardinal Richelieu.
It’s impossible not to mention another Porthos, “pan
Zagloba”, who is also one of the main characters of the
last part of the trilogy. As well as Dumas, Sienkiewicz
became famous, first of all, due to his trilogy,
translated into all principal languages of the world,
and still widely read.
Czterej Pancerni i Pies (Four Tank Men and a Dog)
J. Przymanowski
This Polish writer gave a tribute to Dumas in his quite
famous novel, translated into English. The action is
during the World War II. Formed far from Poland , the
squad of Polish tank men, is moving to Poland and
afterwards Berlin.
The novel is in two parts, and presents a tribute to
Dumas’ musketeers, and partly, in the aspect of humor,
and funny situations, to Jerome K. Jerome and his Three
men In a Boat : To Say Nothing of the Dog.
The main characters are: the young, 18-year-old soldier
Janek ( d’Artagnan ), mighty Gustlik (Porthos), their
captain-noble Athos. The rest of the characters share
their roles. Of course, Janek has his “Constance”, a
Russian girl, Marusia. The novel was also successfully
filmed, and was on in may countries including the USA.
Muszkieter z Itamariki
Michal Rusinek
312 pages
In this novel, the famous Polish writer describes the
life of a real person—General Krzysztof Arciszewski, who
was looking for adventures all his life. He was born in
1596 and died in 1656. He was a leader of Dutch in
Brazil, general of Wladyslaw IV and Jan Kazimierz. A lot
of his military adventures coincided with d’Artagnan’s.
It’s a nice tribute to Dumas.
Vladimir Neff , a well-known Czech writer, wrote a
historical trilogy, the action of which takes place at
the end of the XVI and the beginning of the XVII century
and finishes during the Thirty Years’ War of 1618 -1648.
The novel successfully mixes the genres of adventure,
mysticism, and fantasy.
1. Queens Never Have Legs (425 pages)
2. The Ring of Borgia (314 pages)
3. The Beautiful Magician (363 pages)
The main hero, Petr Kukan, the son of Prague alchemist,
escapes from Prague, where his life is endangered (his
father discovered a philosophical stone), and moves to
Italy, France, Turkey. In France he meets the famous
musketeers of Captain de Treville who help him to escape
from the Bastille, he
fences, fights, and looks for adventures everywhere,
until he is arrested and put into the horrible chateau
d’If (!).
He escapes from there too although not in the way Edmond
Dantes did. Finally, Kukan perishes from his lover’s
hand experiencing as many adventures as possible.
In many aspects his adventures make us remember The
Three Musketeers.
I am sure there are many more novels and stories which I
did not mention. But, perhaps, I managed to persuade the
readers in the most important thing : Dumas never died,
he is still alive in the books of those who once and forever were
amazed by his genius.
New York, 2005-2009
*Gennady Ulman was born in Odessa,
Ukraine, former USSR, in 1948. After studying English at
University, he practiced several professions such as
translator, interpreter, English teacher and so on. He
emigrated to the USA in 1990 and lives in New York,
where he teaches psychology and English. He wrote many
articles for Russian and French magazines. He now works
on an encyclopedia of adventure writers of the world.