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For honor
Voir l'arbre généalogique d'Athos |
Extrait de la septième partie
"He's a wonderful boy, Sabine." Athos was the first to speak.
"I know," she said softy. Which was why she could not bring herself to stigmatize her son forever. "Merci for getting him from Richelieu." The couple fell into an awkward silence. Both started to talk at once, and then Sabine told her husband to go ahead.
"Will you be going now?" the man asked stiffly, and the comtesse read the very real pain and longing in her husband's eyes.
She had really hurt him, hurt him badly by her actions, and now he was going to lose the son he had just found to her. Milady didn't answer the question. Instead she gently touched Athos' cheek her eyes meeting his. "Can you never forgive me for lying to you Athos? All I ever wanted was your love. I didn't want to end up hurting you." It might well have been wrong to accept his marriage proposal all those years ago or at the very least not to have listened to Garrett.
Athos placed his own calloused hand over the small hand that still rested on his cheek. "I forgave you a long time ago Sabine," he said as if every word were painful for him. "But by then it was too late, and I thought you were dead, thought it was my fault. And when I saw you again and found out what you had become because of my rejection..." He choked.
Milady put her fingers to his mouth, stopping him from saying more. Her eyes were almost luminescent as she spoke again. "Non, Athos. You need not say it. I understand. I always knew you had a big heart, but that you stood by justice, truth, and honor first and foremost, especially in those you loved. I know you could act no other way than you did when you found me last. If you had done any differently, you wouldn't have been my Athos."
"Can you forgive me?"
"Athos, as soon as I realized you were doing only as your nature dictated, I had to forgive you. Must I say again that if you had done differently you wouldn't be the man I fell in love with? I would have ended up hating you for compromising ideals and betraying the man I still love." He wiped the single tear from her face and held her face between his hands. "I have forgiven you. I was just lying to myself so I wouldn't have to see what I’d become, the terrible murderess and vengeful woman." Milady stopped and sat herself on a nearby chair, and Athos sat on a chair across from her. "I am not permitted to leave Paris."
There was confusion in Athos' eyes, and he folded his hands in his lap, stilling their shaking. "Cannot leave Paris? You were only staying until Guillaume was safe."
"Seigneur de Winter's brother discovered I was still alive and presented his case against me to the king. I am under arrest until such time as the king decides my fate." She spoke almost as if she were speaking to the air, and was somewhere very far away.
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